It’s kind of like how one nation’s history book will be a bit different from another nation’s history book on any given subject. The author will always skew the events to favor his own particular country. Therefore when the Israelites needed punished you were sure to hear about it, however when they suffered while doing the will of god, well that’s not so important to mention.
Darth Yhwh
JoinedPosts by Darth Yhwh
Bible Information Requested
by blondie in.
when israel was faithful to god and fighting wars, where are there scriptures detailing how many israelite soldiers died.. did god giving them them the victory mean he protected them from dying?.
i know the answer to this is no, but can't find any specific scriptures.. thanks for your help.. blondie
When DF'd ones are reinstated are they treated as if they never were DF'd?
by JH inbasically my question is, is there a difference between a person who was inactive for 15 years and missed all the meetings, compared to a disfellowshipped person who also missed 15 years of meetings.
lets say that both come back and after a few months both are active again.
is the inactive person treated the same way as the one who has been reinstated?.
Darth Yhwh
Although I have never been disfellowshipped I can remember as a kid listening to reinstatement announcements and still thinking to my self that this person was still a bad association.
Happy B'day to Me
by Lehaa inokies no one else has done it,.
but hey i haven't been around for a while.. .
happy b'day to me.. .
Darth Yhwh
Well happy birthday to you. Today is also my sister-in-law's 18th birthday. Just got back from her party.
Hiring a JW or not?
by fairchild ini work with about 30 guys who fail to realize that one can actually hold a conversation without swear words and still make sense.
it doesn't happen that way.
the words they use frequently make the f-word look like a polished piece of vocabulary.. now, about 4 months ago, the son of a jw family in good standing applied for a job there.
Darth Yhwh
How long will this kid continue to be sheltered from the reality of life on planet earth? He applied for the job. For once the kid is stepping out on a limb to make a decision for him self and you’re concerned about how the environment will affect him? I’ll tell you what will happen, one of two things.
First possible scenario is that he’ll quit the job with the affirmation in his mind about how terrible things are out side of Jehovah’s organization. He'll go on to become an upstanding elder in the local congregation and live happily ever after, forever on a paradise earth.
Second possible scenario is that he’ll get wrapped up with the bad associations and they’ll have a negative impact on his spiritual relationship with his god. He’ll get disfellowshiped and start researching Jehovah’s Witnesses on the Internet and realize that he’s been living a lie his entire life.
Are you getting paid to make this decision? I would tell my boss to get a sack and grab the bull by the horns and make up his own mind, unless he wants to give me a raise.
What are your weekend plans?
by joelbear intonight i am going for a walk with my dellpod on and listen to some tunes.. come home and watch a movie.. tomorrow, i will finish painting some little wooden animals i bought to put on stakes in the front yard.
then pottery class.. then dinner with friends at a thai restaurant.
then mitch comes home for one night of snuggling.. sunday.
Darth Yhwh
Tonight after playing with the kids for a little while I’ll have dinner and a movie with "the old lady". Tomorrow I’ll lounge around the house for a bit, play with the kids for a bit, spend a little time on the computer, and if it doesn’t rain I may even get a motorcycle ride in. Sunday I will try to repeat Saturday’s routine.
Describe your first thoughts upon hearing the 1914 generation 'new light'
by kid-A in.
we all remember where we were and what we were thinking during highly significant events....(e.g.
9-11, jfk, etc)..... if you can recall, what were the first thoughts racing through your mind as you sat at the 1995 d.c. at the infamous 1914 generation change announcement, was it "the final nail in the coffin of your wts beliefs or did you engage in mental gymnastics to try to assimilate the "fresh meat in due season" lol....... i was in such shock at this announcement, i think my mind just blanked out for 10 minutes followed by: "ok, this really is it for me......they have duped us all along", i then immediately started thinking of my 90 year old jw grandmother sitting in the stadium, and what must have been going through her mind......
Darth Yhwh
I’m pretty sure that I had ceased attending meetings by that point. Even if I was in attendance at one of those district conventions you can be rest assured that I probably wasn’t paying attention to a word the guy was saying. I didn’t even realize they had started to change this doctrine until picking up an Awake magazine at my mom’s house and reading the inside front cover. I had remembered that they used to say that the 1914 generation would never pass away on page 02 of every issue and now, low and behold, it’s gone. Vanished, as if into thin air. I remember asking my self if any of the brothers and sisters even noticed.
by findingmyway inmy 8-year-old son asked me yesterday if i liked going to the kh.
i told him "no, not really.
" he said that he doesn't really like to go all the time either, but we have to go if we want to get into paradise.. i allow him to go to the kh with my parents when he wants to because he does like to go.
Darth Yhwh
I allow my mother to take my five-year-old son occasionally for "special days". Basically this is just a sleep over at Grandpa’s and Grandma’s where there’s no rules and he gets spoiled with whatever his little heart desires. Well on Saturday and Sunday mornings my mom has book studies, bible studies, meetings, or all of the above. For some time, and against my wife’s better judgement, I didn’t mind if he went along with her. I figured how could he be converted to a JW by attending a book study or a bible study once a month, if even that frequent? He loves his Grandmother so much that he would follow her anywhere.
Well I noticed that he would bring home little tidbits of information occasionally. He would say something about what Jehovah likes or doesn’t like. Around this same time I had recently discovered the UN scandal and at this point I decided that I didn’t want him going at all.
I confronted my mother regarding the issue. She was picking him up on a Saturday. If my wife and I don’t specify a time to bring him back by my mother will keep him all day long. Knowing the following Sunday was meeting day I asked her to bring him back on her way to her meeting. Well she decided poke and prod me for my reasoning and after resisting her questioning I simply told her that I didn’t want him around the Kingdom Hall because the WTBTS are false prophets.
This opened up a whole can of worms between my mother and I but the bottom line for me is that I will not let my son be exposed to anything the WTBTS is pushing. My mother respects my wishes and if she didn’t then her visitation with my son would be ceased.
If you hung a sign on your door for the witnesses.....................
by ButtLight inwhat would it say?
Darth Yhwh
Yeah, TS, I really like the photo! I’m curious as to what program you used? The only problem is that if I were to hang this photo on my door I would scare away not only the JW’s but just about any one else as well.
Arachnaphobia - I hate spiders
by ballistic inanyone who does not the like killing any of god's creatures, please do not read this.. i just laid in bed for over an hour trying to sleep until i heard a faint noise which sounded like lots of feet scrabbling around.
for a minute i thought there were rats somewhere.
i laid there for a minute my eyes darting around in the dark and i could feel my pulse going.
Darth Yhwh
In all seriousness though, I don’t have a problem with spiders. Don’t get me wrong, if I see one scurrying across the floor of my living room I’ll usually capture it and throw it out side. If I saw one in my bedroom in the middle of the night I would probably kill it. When I was a kid I used to feed spiders in my parents garage. I thought it was cool to watch them devour their prey. And I’ve even eaten some small spiders as a kind of dare by children, to show them that there’s nothing to be afraid of.
If you hung a sign on your door for the witnesses.....................
by ButtLight inwhat would it say?
Darth Yhwh
I think that if I were to hang a sign for JW's on my door I would just print out tetrapod.sapien's picture on page 92 of the post your picture here thread. That should do the job nicely.